You are a Creator. To engage the Law of Attraction to create what you want requires that you raise your vibration. But what does that really mean? Joshua, a group of nonphysical teachers, is channeled by Gary Temple Bodley to teach the processes and techniques that will help you raise your own vibration so that you can create the unimaginable life you truly want.

Monday Dec 04, 2023
A Radical Idea
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Everything is right. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. These are the opening words of Joshua's first book 'A Perception of Reality' which was written 10 years ago.
This is a radical concept, but it goes even further. What if imperfection is a myth we've been taught to believe? What if everything is actually perfect? In this episode, Joshua is asking us to take a leap and entertain this leading-edge concept.
Take the Activations Survey - Click here
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Perspective is Everything
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Your perspective in every area of your life is translated into a vibration. That vibration attracts your reality. Raise your perspective and you increase your vibration to attract a reality that feels better. This concept is taken to the next level as Joshua explains how to shift your perspective and create the life you truly desire.
Take the Activations Survey - Click here
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com

Friday Nov 24, 2023
From Fear to Love
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
The illusion of separation creates all fear. This is the dark. The truth is love. This is the light. Our journey is to move from the dark to the light. As we do, we move from feeling bad to feeling good. We are always being guided to feel good. Therefore, we are being shown the light. In the illusion, we perceive imperfection, but the truth is that everything is perfect. To see this, we must raise our perspective (our vibration). in this episode, Joshua breaks down the myth of imperfection and explains how to see more perfection.
Take the Activations Survey - Click here
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
How to Find Satisfaction in Life
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
As humans, we give meaning to everything. Joshua has explained that there is no inherent meaning in anything, it's just context. We give things meaning. Our society has led us to believe that certain pursuits are good and others are bad. When we pursue those things society says is good, we should feel satisfaction. But this is rarely the case and as soon as you've manifested any of those things, you immediately feel dissatisfied. In this episode, Joshua explains how to actually find satisfaction and their explanation will probably surprise you.
Take the Activations Survey - Click here
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com

Friday Nov 17, 2023
The Next Step
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
The art of surrender is practiced by allowing your next step to come without an attachment to the outcome. The idea is that the next experience is exactly what you need to shift your perspective. Therefore, how you experience anything is based on this perspective. The higher your perspective the more joy you will experience and your inner self is always guiding you to higher and higher perspective. In this episode, Joshua explains exactly how to approach life in a far more joyful way. It all has to do with how you prepare for your next step.
Take the Activations Survey - Click here
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com
The new Foundations Course info here

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Coherence: Unifying Mind, Spirit and Body
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
To really be effective you must create a level of coherence between the mind, body and spirit. One of those cannot be left out of the equation. But most of us who are doing this spiritual work, often forget about the body. In this episode, Christy channels The White Light as they explain this concept in great detail.
Take the Activations Survey - Click here
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com
The new Foundations Course info here

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Energy, Coherence & Activation
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
There is a field of unseen energy all around us. But how do you use it to create what you truly want? It has to do with the concept of coherence. This is the energetic unification of mind, body and spirit. In this episode, Joshua explains how to build on the interaction of the energy field, coherence and Activations to create the life you truly want to life. It's the unimaginable life!
Here's the Light of One meditation for Nov. 11 at 11am ET
The White Light channeling session is available on our other podcast - An Unimaginable Life.
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com
The new Foundations Course info here

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
How Activations Benefit Your Body
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
There is a trinity of mind, spirit and body. But we often do not consider the body when doing spiritual work. However, the unification of all three is called coherence and it's the most effective state to be in. When you're out of coherence, things are more difficult. In this episode, Joshua explains the importance of considering your body when doing your spiritual work. They explain the activation process and how it directly brings the body into coherence. The benefits of this are clarity, reduced fear, greater connection to your inner self, improved emotional stability, increased intuitive abilities and much more. Contact me to find out more about our Activation program.
Here's the Light of One meditation for Nov. 11 at 11am ET
The White Light channeling session is available on our other podcast - An Unimaginable Life.
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Action and Inspiration and Raising Your Perspective
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
You can't spell attraction without action. This is the key. What's the action? It's whatever you are inspired to do in the moment. But inspiration is a tricky thing. In this episode, Joshua breaks down the relationship between inspiration, action and perspective. The perspective is what causes the attraction. Raise the perspective and you attract more of what you desire. That's the secret!
Here's the Light of One meditation for Nov. 11 at 11am ET
The White Light channeling session is available on our other podcast - An Unimaginable Life.
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com

Monday Oct 30, 2023
The Surprising Benefit of Contrast
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
When you are experiencing something you don't like, it's something called "Contrast" in spiritual circles. Joshua calls it context. It is what makes life meaningful. You're in contrast because you care about the context of the situation. We all create the context because we give things meaning. Without the context, we would have nothing we care about. Therefore, as you become a conscious creator, you create more of what you want and the context becomes more meaningful. You care about what you've created and of course, this provides even more context. It is within that context that we find limiting beliefs and we very much want to know what beliefs limit us so that we can alter them. In this episode, Joshua explains this new idea.
The White Light channeling session is available on our other podcast - An Unimaginable Life.
Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify
For more info - theteachingsofjoshua.com